High Tech And Low Life

E3 brought together the best gamer heads around the globe, just like every year. Ubisoft, Activision and other game companies took leaves to the forefront of every game, and this year was no different. Cyberpunk 2077, which was released in 2012, was the most popular game at the Convention. Cyberpunk 2077’s original 2012 announcement was finally made public. Cyberpunk, a new RPG-FPS game, follows the Fallout series. The game will not be released for several years but it was shocking to see the concept of a new game. Adam Badowski is the game developer. He believes that the best games should be tailored to the needs of their audience. What is Cyberpunk, you ask? Cyberpunk is a science fiction genre that takes place in a lawless society where computer technology dominates. This statement sums up the entire world and game. Imagine a world where the underworld rules cities 50 years hence. This would be almost like The Purge, except for the unjustified killings. Imagine a world in which crime is the new currency. The holocaust is a (rather ironic!) pinnacle. Is it possible to create this world? It might be possible, but there are many things to remember. First, can the proposed technology be used in a human body? RipperDocs are a small group of NPCs that were depicted in the game. They were experts at body modification. The body was composed of wires and the main controller board was placed somewhere within the brain. RipperDoc was able to connect the body to a PC from which it could perform new functions, such as looking through its eyes to recognize faces or determining the outcome of a situation. Cyberpunk is a computer game about characters who feel trapped and restricted by the expectations and norms set by society. People can get bits of technology inside their bodies, such as pacemakers or other types of implants. What does this mean for us? My opinion? Modifying your body or using parts to make your body work more efficiently is a big difference. Your body’s function will be completely altered if you modify it. In simple words, our brain only uses 10%. Modifying your body will alter the way that your body works. Let’s look at Cyberpunk. There is lots of crime. The new government is in the underworld. The world is still running despite the fact that people are altering their bodies like mad Cyborgs. How do people get the police and medical services they require? Although it may seem strange, I believe that the laws of this nation are actually made by the citizens. They are those who cleanse the nation. The weak must be removed. The world’s balance is being maintained by the greedy people. They live the extreme version of survival of those who are the most fit. It is also a better world than the real one. While it is true that people must live in fear, animals who live in constant fear of being hunted live better. We humans also can live in fear. Cyberpunk only represents 2%. The characters of Cyberpunk are perfectly represented by us humans.

You cannot stop the inevitable. However, you can delay it. In the coming years, you shouldn’t be surprised to see people with robotic arms or “Darth Vader”-like powers.


  • eastontyler

    Easton Tyler is a school teacher and blogger who loves to share her knowledge and passion for teaching with others. She is currently a teacher at a small high school in a small town in central Iowa. Easton has been teaching for over 10 years and has worked in different types of classrooms, including pre-K, Kindergarten, First Grade, and Middle School. She is also a certified teacher aide and has worked in a number of after-school programs. Easton has a strong interest in education and passionate about helping others achieve their goals.